Soccer Fan Throws Paper Airplane from Upper Deck, Hits Player

You don’t have to be a fan of soccer to enjoy this. This dude, excuse me, this bloke (he’s English after all) makes a paper airplane and manages to actually hit a player with it. Considering how soccer players are pretty much always moving, this is like a 1 in a billion shot. Warren Buffett would have been paying out if he sponsored a “Hit a Soccer Play with a Paper Airplane from the Nosebleeds” contest. First try no less. Gotta respect that.

If there is a Paper Airplane Hall of Fame, that plane and that guy belong in it.

Some guy did this in St. Louis in the World Series last year, but his only made it near the mound.

An F&F Original : “Them Motherf***in’ Celtics”

Saw this video on youtube, and when he started listing all the Celtics, I thought he had a good flow going. Had to mix it with a beat to see how it sounded. Not too bad if I don’t say so myself. And it didn’t take very long either.

The Original (10 min long) ~1:10 or so is when he starts listing them

I admint, I only watched like the first 2 or 3

JT Repping the NBA Hat Courtside at Heat/Pacers

Now this is how you wear a hat to an NBA game when your team (in his case, the Grizzlies) isn’t playing. He doesn’t go with a Heat hat (like some people *wink*Bieber*wink*) but with a straight up NBA logo hat. He doesn’t piss off any Grizzlies fans and doesn’t look like a bandwagon Heat fan. Slick move JT. Slick Move

bieber heatHow not to do it ^