Rotten Tomatoes’ List of the 25 Best Baseball Movies Lost All Credibility with “The Sandlot” At Number 22

Outrage. Who put this list together? Someone with no taste in movies? The Sandlot is #22? This makes no sense. For me it’s the #1 baseball movie. It’s a classic. It’s a Disney movie when Disney movie’s were allowed to have kids say “Shit”. It’s a timeless treasure.

You want to know some of the movies that were ranked ahead? “Game 6”. Never heard of it. That came in at 21. At 20 was “Off the Black”. Once again, never heard of it.

Seriously though, The Sandlot deserves to be WAY higher up on the list.

Here are some other notable rankings from the list.

“The Natural” came in at 16. I would have figured this would have been a top 5 pick for sure.

“Major League” was number 14.

“Moneyball” at number 2.

And at #1, “Bull Durham”. Can’t say I’ve seen it.

Anyway, here’s my ranking of my top baseball movies:

  • 3. Rookie of the Year
  • 2. Major League
  • 1. The Sandlot



Teaser for Chris Nolan’s INTERSTELLAR is just that…

…a big tease.

Nolan has the teaser trailer down to a science. Show just enough to get everyone interested in the movie without actually saying what the movie is about, which is nice since half the trailers out there show everything from a movie it seems.

From the trailer, all we know is it deals with space and Mathew McConaughey is in it.

Check out some of his other teasers, they do the same thing.

Batman Begins

At the end of this one, big time goosebumps. Once again, you don’t know what the movie is about until the very end when you see literally a nanosecond of Batman flash across the screen and then the slow reveal of the Bat symbol.

You know it’s Batman, but don’t know who he’s fighting, who the other characters are, what the story is


Ok, so it says that your mind is the scene of the crime

“Wait, what? How? Aw man, I can’t wait to see this movie to find out” -Everybody.

The Dark Knight Rises

It’s a little tougher to have a good teaser when the main character is already known and we, as the audience, know who some of the possible characters are, so this one isn’t the best, but it makes up for it at the end. All of a sudden, BAM, Batman backing down from Bane. Batman never backs down. And to top it off, he’s winded and laboring. You know he’s gonna take a beating (and if you know the comics, you already know that was going to happen) That few seconds alone makes that teaser great.

Instead of teasing the plot or story like the Inception and Interstellar ones do, this one teases a character- Bane.

Let’s be honest though. As soon as “From Christopher Nolan” popped up, I knew I would be seeing this movie, irregardless of what the teaser was like.