GIMP Tutorial – Creating a Decal Effect for Football Helmet Logos

You may have seen the helmet logo concepts that were going around the internet.

(You can see a lot more, and quite frankly, a lot more well executed ones at Chris Creamers Forums).

Anyway, I decided to create a little tutorial for a small detail that can have a big impact on the overall look of the concept.

First, find the logo you want. If you are using your own logo, hopefully it is a PNG image since those are easier to work with in these situations. Larger images are also more helpful.

For this tutorial, I am using a Patriots logo from wikipedia.

NOTE: Not pictured in the tutorial. After Step 2, duplicate the layer.

STEP 1. Paste the logo into your GIMP image.

decal logo effect 1


decal logo effect 2 a


decal logo effect 2


decal logo effect 4


decal logo effect 5


decal logo effect 6


decal logo effect 7


decal logo effect 8

Here is an example of the logo on a helmet. (Helmet template by Fraser Davidson).

Patriots concept helmet 2 decal effect

Thanks for reading, hopefully this tutorial is helpful in creating some concepts.

Fixing the Ugly Front End on the 2014 Jeep Cherokee

I like Jeeps, especially the newer Grand Cherokee of the last few years. I also want to like the new Jeep Cherokee, but I can’t like it 100%.

That front end is hideous. It has this tiny little squinting lights and this weird nose that sticks out and bends the famous Jeep grill.

I turned to photoshop to try to remedy this look.

The top pictures are stock, bottoms are the photoshopped ones.

jeepcherokee fix 2


2014cherokee fix


I would buy this one ^.

Please Jeep, fix the front end when you change up the style in a few years.



NFL Uniform Concepts Day 14 – San Francisco 49ers

Another team with a classic look today. Here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve changed to the 49ers uniforms

-Removed black outline on helmet logo, gave logo a white outline

-Removed sleeve stripes (that were always cut off thanks to the jersey pattern) and moved gold and white stripes to the shoulders

-Moved numbers to the sleeves

-Added gold and white stripes on the socks

49ers home 49ers away


The main reason for moving the stripes to the shoulders was the sleeve stripes have basically become nonexistent on the current uniforms thanks to the jersey cut and the way players prefer them.

Here they are in Montana’s days

and today, 1 full stripe and and inch of the second one. Not even enough room for the third stripe.

NFL Uniform Concepts Day 12 – San Diego Chargers and Philadelphia Eagles

I missed a blog for these yesterday so I have two for today.

First up, the Chargers.

The chargers have ALWAYS had the lightning bolt on the shoulders. So to be different, I had to change it up. They are still on the shoulders, but this time they go horizontal and also act as a trim for the top of the jersey to be a different color.

Helmets went from white to powder blue as well. Many teams have white helmets, none that I could think of have a powder blue helmet currently.

chargers concept home chargers concept home 2And the Away uniforms

chargers concept away 2 chargers concept away

Next, its the Eagles.

Went back to the kelly green that everyone seems to like so much. I also added grey to the color scheme.

eagles concept home

eagles concept away

Kind of a throwback look with a modern design.

Should have a new set for tomorrow.

March Madness – NFL Uniform Concept Edition

It’s March. That means it’s time for some madness. But this isn’t the fill-out-a-bracket-with-the-best-most-comprehensive-way-possible-only-to-lose-to-some-lady-who-made-her-picks-based-on-jersey-colors March Madness. This is time for some crazy, and what I like to consider, some cool looking NFL concept uniforms.

The point of this whole thing is to change up the look of all 32 NFL teams. Some may be very drastic, others a little more subtle, but they will all be different in some way or another.

Every day for the month of March I’ll post a new concept uniform for an NFL team. This will be in no particular order. Completely random. These will be all made by me. I’m not a 100% sure, but I think I got the template off Deviant Art from user Rezland. It was a few years ago though. Anyway, on to the concepts…..

To start things off on the first day of March I have the first team alphabetically: The Arizona Cardinals. (Click for full size pic)

arizona cardinals concept

For this concept, I used the state flag of Arizona as the “theme” for the entire uniform, bringing in blue to the color scheme (something that was done as an alternate jersey years ago). The blue pants mimic the blue bottom of the flag and the rays of sun on the shoulders do the same for the top of the flag. I also carried over those stripes to the socks. I got rid of the black on the logo and changed it to navy blue.

Arizona Flag

It may be obvious to some, but this uniform was heavily inspired by the University of Maryland Flag Uniforms

That’s it for today. Tomorrow brings another team.